A Gateway to Connection

Being welcoming and inclusive is something many churches say about themselves, but don’t always live out. Our mission statement declares, “as a Reconciling Congregation, all are welcome to participate in the full life of the church, including all races, abilities, ages, classes, gender identities and sexual orientations,” Portland FUMC has made being a welcoming and inclusive church a core value, so it was great to hear in my conversations with Meet & Greet attendees that our warm and welcoming atmosphere was one of the main factors as to why they made Portland FUMC their church home.

For many of our long-time members, including Erin Riley, reconnecting with church family after the mandatory closures has been such a blessing. Erin and her family joined Portland FUMC in early 2001, and she and her Husband Bob, and their son Jeff volunteer in many areas in the church, including Shovel & Rake each Thursday. “It was wonderful to get to know new folks I’ve only seen in worship but haven’t had a chance to get to know yet” she said about the Meet & Greets. Worshipping in community is essential to the faith, but it can be difficult to connect deeper with people you don’t know as well if that’s the only place you meet them.

Michelle DeVaughn shared a similar sentiment, though from the opposite spectrum as she and her husband Mike joined Portland FUMC a year ago, so they were new to both the church and to Rev. Karyn. “I enjoyed hearing the stories and perspectives of the folks at our table, as well as listening to Rev. Karyn talk more about her journey,” she said about her Meet & Greet.

One of the newer folks who also came to the Meet & Greets was Dai Shen, who has only been attending Portland FUMC for a few months. “I got a good sense at what FUMC is trying to do, and I got to know Rev. Karyn a little better,” he said. Dai felt that the Meet & Greet was also great gateway for further connection into the Portland FUMC community. Since attending, he started recognizing more people in worship who he met in the Meet & Greets.

No matter how long you’ve called Portland FUMC your home church, or if you’ve had the chance to meet with Rev. Karyn or not, if you’ve ever been in worship and seen faces you don’t recognize, there’s further opportunity for you to connect. Next week, we’ll feature our final story on the Meet & Greets, where Rev. Karyn will share how valuable these connections are to her as our Senior Pastor.

To sign-up for our next round of Meet & Greets, see Sandy Hallock in the Chapel Narthex after the 8:30 am worship service, or in the Sanctuary Narthex after the 10:30 am service, or in Collins Hall. Additionally, you can sign-up by reaching out to Matt at the church office at 503.228.3195 ext. 302.

Meet & Greet Schedule

Sunday, July 9 at 12pm in the Fireside Room

Monday, July 17 at 10am in the Fireside Room.