Urgent Action Needed:



Here is an opportunity to let your voice be heard as a faithful United Methodist.  As you know, the provisions of the Traditional Plan, passed at the Special General Conference in February of 2019, go into effect January 1, 2020.  Among these provisions are “chargeable offenses” against clergy who officiate at same-gender weddings, and clergy who identify as LGBTQI, and bishops who ordain or appoint LGBTQI clergy.  We in the Western Jurisdiction of The United Methodist Church have gone on record opposing the Traditional Plan.  As a Reconciling Congregation, First Church has long held the view that all are welcome to participate fully in the life and ministry of our church.  There are many efforts underway to repeal the Traditional Plan at the upcoming General Conference in May of 2020, and to resist it in the meantime.  There is also some energy going into dreaming about a whole new expression of Methodism beyond the current denomination.  Here is one action you can take today if you would like.

  1. Please click here to sign this letter to the bishops (text below):  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/UMC_Moratorium
  2. Please forward this email to everyone in your congregation and on your United Methodist contact list.  We have less than a week to make our voices heard!  Our strength is in our numbers.
  3. Please call or email your bishop today at your annual conference office asking him or her to please support this moratorium.  If you are not sure how to contact your bishop, click here http://www.umc.org/who-we-are/annual-conferences-directory.  This will link you to your annual conference website where you can find your bishop’s phone number and email.
  4. Please ask your congregation to pray for a moratorium during worship on Sunday, November 3.
Rev. Donna