A More sustainable Coffee Hour

Mary Beth Howard
Church Administrator

In our 175th year as a church, we’re taking stock of what we have and who we’ve been, and how we can in turn carry that into the future. One tangible way to do this is to start using the wonderful set of coffee cups that we acquired shortly after our current building was built! In addition to being a more satisfying way to drink your coffee, this change will help us live into our identity as a Creation Care Congregation by no longer throwing away so many single-use cups.

Beginning on Palm Sunday, April 2nd, we will have “real” coffee cups set up by the coffee makers in Collins Hall for you to use. All you need to do is place them back in the tray of dirty cups when you’re done. It’s that simple!

Many thanks to the volunteers and custodial staff who will be helping us run the cups through the dishwasher each Sunday. If you’d like to help with that, please let us know.