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On Rev. Karyn’s first Sunday as our Senior Pastor, she adamantly declared in worship, “I want to meet every single person” in her greetings to the congregation, along with expressions of gratitude for the welcome and care she received.

Welcome and care are a big part of ministry for any Pastor, and most Sundays, Rev. Karyn does exactly that, greeting and talking with people before worship, as well as in Coffee Fellowship in Collins Hall. She also spends time one-on-one with people each week in the day-to-day tasks of ministry.

However, the Meet & Greets for Rev. Karyn provide an opportunity to “slow down and take the time to engage in the stories of the people in the room.” It’s a connection that is different from the lively hustle of Sunday mornings, but it’s also still communal in a way that a one-on-one gathering isn’t.

Ultimately, the stories and dreams of all of us is the story at Portland FUMC. Those shared dreams are what Rev. Karyn found heartening. “When we talked about our dreams for First Church, the things that would be cool for the church to do in a year, or ten years,” she said. “That’s when I felt communality with others around the table.”

The Staff Parrish Relations Committee hopes you come and engage with one another’s stories in a deeper way, so that your voice can be a part of the shared dream that is Portland FUMC.

Matt Edey, Office & Communications Manager
Sandee Hallock, SPRC.

Meet & Greet Schedule

Sunday, July 9 at 12pm in the Fireside Room

Monday, July 17 at 10am in the Fireside Room.