Land + Housing Circle Fundraiser

You don’t have to look far to see the impact of homelessness in Portland. Over 5,000 people are unhoused in the city of Portland and 56,000 Portlanders lack a stable and safe place to call home.

Simply put, to address the housing crisis, our city needs more housing.

Representing our values as a Peace Church, a Reconciling Church, and a Creation Care Congregation with a long history of social justice, the Land and Housing Circle is exploring what we and our land can do to reduce suffering caused by Portland’s housing crisis. The Circle is moving through this exploration with the support of the Leaven Community’s Land and Housing Coalition and our consulting partners for the feasibility study – Second Stories and the Design Research Office.

  • $3,500 for the Feasibility Study (we obtained a grant to fund 80% of the costs)
  • $3,000 for Leaven Community’s Land and Housing Coalition, which will continue educating, training, advocating for, and supporting FUMC and other faith communities seeking to address the housing crisis.

Our work is open to everyone. Please consider participating through a donation or attending our regular meetings on the third Monday of each month. We hope you’ll join us.

Options for Giving


You can donate using a debit or credit card, or electronic bank transfer securely online. You can set recurring or one-time payments. 


To donate by check or cash write to “First United Methodist Church”, with ” “Land & Housing Fundraiser” in the memo line, or offering envelope and drop it in the offering plate or mail to:

1838 SW Jefferson St

Portland OR, 97201

Text Via Smart Phone

Text “$ housing” on your Smart Phone, with the amount you wish to give after the “$” sign (for example: $10 housing) to: 84321


You will receive a link by text to complete the transaction