Coffee Hour

Invitation to Serve

We all love Coffee Hour at First Church! Obviously, the coffee, but also the conversations, the fellowship, and the cookies make for a great end to Sunday mornings. Our Coffee Hour chairs, Marcey Balcomb and Erin Riley have worked hard this summer to come up with a plan to ensure that Coffee Hour continues in an equitable and easy way.

This is your invitation to participate in the new Coffee Hour plan!

We have created five teams: one for the first Sunday of the month, one for the second Sunday of the month, and so on. Each team will host coffee hour once a month, except the fifth team, which will host when there is a fifth Sunday.

Each team consists of 12-14 people. Coffee Hour only requires 3-4 people to host each week, so each person will only need to host a few times throughout the year. If a team member is ill, he/she can call another team member to substitute.

We expect these teams to build connections between church members, and we want this to be a fun experience and service! Feel free to name your team! If you want to prepare outrageous snacks or make goofy decorations, go for it! But feel free to stick with the basic coffee and cookies, as well.

Marcey Balcomb will be training the Team Leaders, and they will show their teams what to do. Hosting Coffee Hour is super easy, and with three or four people, the work gets done quickly.

We are grateful to our Team Leads:

1st Sundays of the Month

Taylor Burke –

Michelle Morales –

2nd Sundays of the Month

Denise Goss –

Gary Goss –

3rd Sundays of the Month

Dave Barnes –

Jean Barnes –

4th Sundays of the Month

Donna Leslie –

Herb Douglas –

5th Sundays of the Month

Cacky Cromer –

Renee Harber –

Bob Wilson –

We plan to start hosting Coffee Hour by team on October 1st. You may have already received an invitation to serve on a team, but if not, please consider serving and reach out to one of the team leaders above!