Pageant: Behind the Scenes

by Drew Hogan

You may have passed by room 133 these past few weeks to hear the sounds of animals pouring out into the hall. While a petting zoo would be top on the Trustee’s list, it is in fact the kids preparing for the 2022 Christmas Pageant, “A Donkey, a Sheep, and a Camel Walk into a Stable,” written, directed, and produced by First Church’s own, Cacky Cromer. This year’s pageant uses puppets that were lovingly made by the Tabitha Circle and include some of the cutest stable animals and meanest Herod you’ll meet in puppet form.

The kids have been learning about and focusing on the story from the animal’s perspective as they lean into and highlight Portland FUMC’s identity as a creation care congregation as “we advocate for lifestyles and social policies which bring healing and renewal to our precious Earth.” Since October 30, the students have been learning lines, practicing their donkey ‘hee-haw’ and sheep ‘baa’s! The team of students and parents has been so excited to include kids of all ages in this fun production and enjoying the conversations of leading in creative worship and considering the stories from the nativity that may not normally be told.

As the kids step into the roles of the animals and a few of our key people in the nativity story, we hope you’ll join these students during worship on Sunday, December 18 as we premiere the video. The video will have subtitles for all to enjoy and it will be streamed online as part of our regular Sunday livestream.

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