Saturday Workday Sets Two Records!

Over forty people showed up for Saturday’s all-church workday, and they completed all the jobs on the chore list – record outcomes for a First Church workday!

If you came by the church on Saturday, you saw several girls helping their mom polish the sanctuary pews; you saw men driving a front-end loader and shoveling bark dust on all the flower beds; and you saw ladies cleaning the cupboards in the kitchen.

Ivy got trimmed from trees. Dead shrubs got carted off to the dumpster. And a picnic table got sanded and oiled and ready for staff summer lunches.  The chapel fountain got cleaned. The UWF closet got sorted. And a maple tree that drops leaves onto the roof and into the gutters got a good pruning.

The driveway beside the kitchen was blown free of debris. Some rascally grass that was creeping into the flower beds was given a sharp edge.  And the curb next to the conference center is now painted bright yellow – no parking!

Afterward, everyone sat in the shade for a nice lunch and chat. 

For more pictures, check out our Facebook Page! 

Now, that was work!
That was fellowship!
That was a great workday!

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