
An Epiphany Worship Series

AEPIPHANY WORSHIP SERIES: WONDER | January 7-February 11, 2024 

A star rose over Bethlehem, announcing the birth of Emmanuel- God with us! The Magi responded with wonder. Herod responded with worry.

When the going gets rough or we are met with a surprise, wonder captures our imaginations and leaves little room for the spiral of worry. When we worry, we think about what could possibly go wrong. When we wonder, we imagine all that could possibly go right!

Ask simple questions with us this Epiphany as we wonder about the basics of our faith and all that could go right in our life together.

And then this is the gist of each week-

  • Turn to Wonder (God first wondering about us)  
  • Why Me? (wondering who we are – we are children of God)  
  • Why Church? (wondering who we are together) 
  • Why Us? (wondering about our neighbor) 
  • Why Here? (why Portland) 
  • Why Can’t We Stay on the Mountaintop? (needing to go down from the mountaintop)

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