news & updates

Read the latest news and updates at First Church here! Download a pdf file of the latest Circuit Rider or Program Guide, as well as other news and announcements from first Church are posted here.

Please Note: The monthly “Circuit Rider” newsletter has suspended production. As we continue to adapt to new ways of doing and being church, news about upcoming events and opportunities here at First Church will come to this page and our weekly emails. To subscribe to our email list, please click here

Peace is a Verb – graphic

A Message on Peace

A note from Drew: I really care about your wellness in reading and engaging the topic of gun violence. I encourage you to care for…


Pentecost, the day we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the church, marks the turning point between the fanfare of…

MFSA Newsletter

The Methodist Federation for Social Action (MFSA) has been around for a long time - advocating for justice wherever and whenever it needed.
Community Spread

Kate’s Musings – May 5

I am writing this from my birthplace and the first seventeen years of my life, where my father still lives - Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. It contains…
microphone and classical music of Tchaikovsky

Singers Welcomed!

The Chapel service is back now and we are looking for a few people who might want to assist in leading the singing! It would…
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As a community growing in our own intercultural competency, we have learned that minimizing our differences can hold us back from all that God hopes…
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New Prayer Book

A collection of Rev. Andy Oliver’s prayers, illustrated by Ryan Hutchison’s paintings, has been published! Titled “And Even for This Day: Prayers of Uneasy Allegiance…