news & updates

Read the latest news and updates at First Church here! Download a pdf file of the latest Circuit Rider or Program Guide, as well as other news and announcements from first Church are posted here.

Please Note: The monthly “Circuit Rider” newsletter has suspended production. As we continue to adapt to new ways of doing and being church, news about upcoming events and opportunities here at First Church will come to this page and our weekly emails. To subscribe to our email list, please click here

red coffee cup with smoke and sun sign on water drops glass wind

January 26, 2020

Rev. Donna continues our worship series "Beating the Blues" and discusses acts of Kindness as a Spiritual Practice in her sermon "Loving Kindness."
red coffee cup with smoke and sun sign on water drops glass wind

January 19, 2020

Continuing our worship series "Beating the Blues", Rev. Donna discusses how art and creativity are spiritual practices in her sermon "The Artist's Way".
red coffee cup with smoke and sun sign on water drops glass wind

January 12, 2020

In the second part of our worship series "Beating the Blues" Rev. Donna discusses music as a spiritual practice to beat the blues in her…
wooden tangram in a candle shape with copy space

Advent Program Guide

Advent is almost upon us. Get your Advent Program Guide now to follow with what's happening during the Advent and Christmas seasons at First Church!
mainstream umc

Urgent Action Needed

ere is an opportunity to let your voice be heard as a faithful United Methodist. As you know, the provisions of the Traditional Plan, passed…