news & updates

Read the latest news and updates at First Church here! Download a pdf file of the latest Circuit Rider or Program Guide, as well as other news and announcements from first Church are posted here.

Please Note: The monthly “Circuit Rider” newsletter has suspended production. As we continue to adapt to new ways of doing and being church, news about upcoming events and opportunities here at First Church will come to this page and our weekly emails. To subscribe to our email list, please click here


Covid-19 in Honduras

Even though we are not able to currently travel and engage in hands-on mission around the world, the Global Ministries Committee wanted to share an…
Speech bubbles

You Asked for It!

August will be our “You Asked For It” month, when Ethan and Donna will tackle sermon topics suggested by the congregation. We will also be…
pastors’ bible study

New Bible Study

Beginning this Fall, Rev. Donna and Rev. Ethan will be launching and co-leading a new Pastors’ Bible Study. Each session will be one hour long,…
Medical mask hanging on a branch against the background of the Orthodox Church

From the Associate Pastor

From the Associate Pastor Rev. Ethan Gregory Praise to the Lord, who doth nourish thy life and restore thee, Fitting thee well for the tasks…

Sacred Circles

As many of you know, the Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice (IMIrJ) works for justice for the immigrant community in Oregon
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From the Pastor

From the Pastor Rev. Donna Pritchard Online Worship continues, Sundays at 10:30 am. Now that we can include one vocalist and up to ten persons…