Lay Leadership

2023-2024 Lay Leadership of First Church

Following the work of the Committee on Lay Leadership and Nominations and the approval of the Charge Conference held on June 4, the following persons have been elected to serve on an administrative committee this year. Please keep them in your prayers as they begin or continue this important ministry.

Lay Leaders (work with clergy and laity to guide the fulfillment of the church’s mission and vision)

Matt DeLong, Cacky Cromer, Paul Cosgrove

Parish Conference
(the primary governing body of the church, responsible for envisioning, planning, implementing, and evaluating the ministry of the congregation)

Matt DeLong (Chair), Paul Selden, Ted Moon, Abby Cone, Ricky Mitchell, Beth Morton, Rosemary Hammerton-Kelly, Jessica Kimmet, Kayla Carruth, Dan Woodward, Cyndi Barber, Amy Robison, Marcey Balcomb, Cacky Cromer, Paul Cosgrove, Rev. Ethan Gregory, Rev. Karyn Richards-Kuan

Staff Parish Relations Committee (sets priorities for leadership and service of pastors and staff, assessing their gifts, reflects spiritually on the role and work of pastors and staff as leaders, and makes staffing decisions accordingly)

Jessica Kimmet (Chair), Michelle DeVaughn, Kent Mallory, Jen Cone, Moses Wambalaba, Pete Klimecky, Sandee Hallock, Ryan Hutchison, Marcey Balcomb, Lay Leader to be assigned, Rev. Ethan Gregory, Rev. Karyn Richards-Kuan

Finance and Stewardship Committee (proposes a budget, then raises, manages, and distributes the financial resources of the congregation to support and strengthen its mission and ministry)

Dan Woodward (Chair), Dave David, Janet Richards, Pam Madaus, Mike DeVaughn, Sandy Montoya, Bill Myers, Cyndi Barber, Lay Leader to be assigned, Mary Beth Howard, Rev. Karyn Richards-Kuan

Trustees Committee (holds legal responsibility as Christian stewards of property that God has entrusted to the congregation, including supervising/maintaining the physical property and gifts made to the congregation so that all ministries of the congregation can be effective)

Kayla Carruth (Chair), Kathleen Cosgrove, Larry Richards, Martha Connell, Cal Brockman, Sharon Graver, Hal Howard, Sonja Conner, Steve Hallock, Mary Beth Howard, Rev. Karyn Richards-Kuan

Committee on Lay Leadership and Nominations (identifies, develops, deploys, evaluates, and monitors spiritual leadership for the congregation toward the work of its mission)

Rev. Karyn Richards-Kuan (Chair), Phyllis Leonard, Mary Sagara, Renee Harber, Janice Gratton, Marcey Balcomb, Lay Leader to be assigned, Rev. Ethan Gregory

First Church extends a heartfelt thank you and celebrates those who have completed their term of service on an administrative committee or in an administrative role this year:

Staff Parish Relations Committee: Janice Gratton, Janet Brockman, Carrie DeLong Parrish

Finance and Stewardship: Ted Tosterud (treasurer), Nancy Muir (secretary), Paul Cosgrove (chair)

Parish Conference: Tricia Peebles (chair and lay leader), Ted Tosterud (treasurer), Renee Harber, Kent Mallory, Jonathan Liu

Committee on Lay Leadership and Nominations: Martha Connell, Jim Teisher

We are especially grateful for Ted Tosterud’s many decades
of dedicated service as the church treasurer. Happy retirement, Ted!

Contact information for committee members is in the church directory or Church Center. 


Program Committees of First Church
A program committee operates much like an administrative committee, but with a focus on the programs of the church. These often have recurring business meetings, staff support, and a clear leadership structure. These committees do not require the recommendation of the Committee on Lay Leadership and Nominations nor the approval of Charge Conference.

Each of these committees is seeking new members who are a missional fit for the goals and active ministry of the committee. If you are interested in learning more, please reach out to the appropriate committee contact or email Pastor Karyn:

Global Missions Committee stewards our relationship with the General Board of Global Missions, including our covenant missionaries. The committee currently has a focus on opportunities for support in Palestine and will eventually help organize adult mission trips.
Contact: Dee Poujade (

Planet Church Committee guides First Church in its commitment to being a Creation Care congregation. Planet Church is part small group, part study group, and is the place through which new initiatives for climate justice and creation care emerge.

Contact: Martha Connell (

Church and Society Committee is the newly relaunched place where First Church’s mission and outreach intersect. Global Missions, Planet Church, Land and Housing, the LiftUP Food Pantry, UWF, and Reconciling Ministries meet here to build support and raise awareness.

Contact: Martha Powell (

Kids Ministry Committee is a place to collaboratively plan events for kids and families, intergenerational activities and service projects, engage the community, and nurture and support the regular Sunday morning activities involving students birth through 6th grade.

Contact: Drew Hogan (

Youth Committee engages and supports youth and their families. This team is dedicated to elevating and nurturing youth, engaging their faith, and finding opportunities for relationships and community. It collaboratively plans special events like fun outings, service and mission opportunities, and retreats.

Contact: Drew Hogan (

Music Committee supports music both at First Church and in the larger community. It seeks to sustain and strengthen musical excellence through music-related events and fundraising activities that support these programs both financially and otherwise.

Contact: Kirk Wimmer (

This is not an exhaustive list!

There are many other groups who lead First Church through their action and connection, such as our Lay Members to Annual Conference, Flower Committee, United Women in Faith, Ushers, Shovel and Rake, Hospitality Team, Card Writers Connection, Library Coordinators, Land and Housing Circle, Creative Arts Worship Team, Communion Stewards, and more.

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