Throughout the year, the Global Missions Ministry Team of Portland FUMC works with Canaan Palestine to sell products produced by more than 2,000 small farmers, organized in village cooperatives and represented by the Palestine Fair Trade Association (PFTA). By purchasing products from Canaan Palestine, we can support the work, culture, sustainability and livelihood while keeping alive ancient food traditions.  

Canaan partners with like minded companies in the pursuit of supporting and preserving precious ecosystems and the farmers that take care of them. Through their network of farmers and abundance of biodiversity in the region, they’re able to produce a variety of products including Olive Oil, Tapenades, seasonings and more! 


Supplies are dependant on what our Global Missions Ministry team currently has in stock. Typically we have products available on select Sundays for sale throughout the year in Collins Hall during Coffee Fellowship. Additionally, orders can be placed directly with the Global Missions Ministry Team via email to Marta Hammel at


If you’ve placed your order already either by email to our Global Missions Team, or picked up your product in Collins Hall, and want to pay online you can pay here.