Giving to First Church
First United Methodist Church of Portland relies on the generous giving of our community to support our mission and ministries. We are grateful for all the ways these gifts are brought together to make a real difference in the lives of people here in Portland and around the world.
Worship through live streaming
House the Lift UP food pantry in our building, providing food boxes for low-income residents
Feed the hungry, support international missionaries, visit the lonely, pray for the sick, and maintain our lovely buildings and grounds as a place of hospitality for all
Learn in online Sunday School classes for all ages and in short-term studies for adults
Hold Sacred Circle conversations and take action about immigrant justice and anti-racism
Payment Options
(If you are paying for Olive Oil, please visit our Global Missions Page.)
To give by check you can write to “First United Methodist Church”, and drop it in the offering plate or mail to:
1838 SW Jefferson St
Portland OR, 97201
If giving to a specific FUMC Ministry, please indicate the ministry in the memo line, otherwise leave blank for general offerings, or annual campaign payments.
To make a gift over the phone, or other questions about giving, contribution statements, etc… please contact the church office.
If you hold stocks, bonds or other securities that would incur a tax on capital gains if sold, your outright gift to First Church could mean significant savings. You obtain a tax deduction for the full market value of the gift, and you may avoid a tax on the increase in value.
For questions about, and/or to set up gifts by stock please contact the Church Administrator, Mary Beth Howard at mhoward@fumcpdx.org; (503) 228-3195 ext 301.