Strong Arms & Backs!

This year’s Used Book Sale will be Sundays September 29 and October 6 in Collins Hall after worship.

For many years the FUMC Library has held an annual used book sale, the proceeds of which are used to purchase books for the library, and most recently have also been given to non-profits who support literacy, specifically Street Books, Children’s Book Bank/S.M.A.R.T Reading and this year Portland Literacy Council.

We need your help. Strong arms and backs.

This is when help is needed:

Set up: Saturday, September 28 starting at 9:00 and lasting an hour or two.

Take down: Sunday, October 6 after the book sale is over. (We will have a light lunch available for the helpers)

This is what is needed: Strong arms and backs for

Moving and unloading boxes of books and displaying the books on the tables. The library volunteers have sorted and organized the books by genre and will be able to guide the youth.

When the sale is over, any unsold books need to be boxed up and stored until they can be disposed of.

If you can help, please let a library volunteer know or contact Diana Sellers


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