Small Groups
Small groups provide opportunities for people with similar interests to connect, serve, and grow together.
For more information about Small Group Ministries, contact Rev. Rachel Byers or call the church office at (503) 228-3195.
Each member of the Card Connection Ministry sends cards to three other people in our congregation. You will also receive a bonus card for your personal use as well. You will receive a list of three names and addresses of selective people who would appreciate some well wishes. To participate in this project, request a card set from Mary Sagara.
The 4th Wednesday of Every Month | 7pm-8pm | Zoom
This support group is for folks with family members living with dementia and other brain changes. Contact Shelly Edwards to join.
United Women in Faith (UWF) laugh together, cry together, pray together, learn together, volunteer their time and talents, as well as advocate and march together for worthy. UWF circles meet monthly, and each circle has a specific circle or emphasis. Contact the church office for more information.
The Last Wednesday of Every Month | 12:00pm-2:00pm | Fireside Room
New members are always welcome. We are a welcoming group of “friends” and there’s always room for more. Bring a sack lunch. Beverages and dessert with be provided.
The 3rd Wednesday of Every Month | 11am - 1pm | Room 202
Ruth Circles are intimate gatherings where women discuss goals, concerns, stories, and advice. Women’s circles offer a safe and supportive space for camaraderie and networking.
The 2nd Monday of Every Month | 10am - 2pm | Room 202
Tabitha Circle is a small group that gathers to work on fiber art projects such as sewing, knitting, and more. All interested are welcome to join.
Lunch &
Dinner Groups
The 2nd Wednesday of Every Month | 5pm | Location Varies
First Church members who live on the East Side of Portland gather monthly for food and fellowship at various restaurants. Contact Mary Sagara to join the email list.
The 1st Sunday of Every Month | After Church| Location Varies
The Westside Lunch Group primarily meets the first Sunday of each month after church. The group consists of church members that live west of the Willamette River. While the group consists mostly of adults, children are welcome. There are between 20-30 people who get together for lunch at locations on the west side from Portland to Hillsboro to West Linn and various locations in between. To be added to the list, please contact Jeanne Teisher.
The 1st Thursday of Every Month | 1:00pm| Bob’s Red Mill or Kellogg Park
First Church Women in the Milwaukie area meet for lunch on the First Thursday of each month. During the wet and rainy months, the group meets at Bob's Red Mill. In nicer months, the group packs their own sack lunch and meets at Kellogg Park. Contact Nancy Muir to join the email list.
The 1st Saturday of Every Other Month | 11:00am | Room 202
All are welcome to join Pathfinders for food, fellowship, and discussion. After gathering for fellowship at 11:00am, we eat lunch at 11:30am. Following the meal, we have a presentation from a special guest. Keep an eye on the church announcements for upcoming dates and special guests or contact Harriet Ottaviano for more information.
The 4th Monday of Every Month | 7pm | Zoom
Join fellow FUMC readers on Zoom for a monthly book club! Each month’s book is voted on by book club members. To join, or for more information, contact Phyllis Leonard.
Every Thursday | 4:00pm-5:30pm | Gym Currently meeting in Collins Hall due to restoration work in the gym.
Join fellow First Church members every Thursday for a game of Ping Pong! All are welcome. Contact the church office for more information.
The young adults of First Church (age 35 and under) meet for fun and fellowship at least once a month. Keep an eye on the announcements for upcoming events, or contact: Rev. Ethan Gregory for more information.
Several times per year, a group from First Church goes birding together in the Portland metro area. These outings typically take place on Saturday mornings and last around four hours. Keep an eye on the announcements for upcoming outings.
Upcoming Small Groups