United Women in Faith
About United Women in Faith
The unique and beautiful women of the United Methodist Women of First United Methodist Church, Portland, Oregon are part of a global and local community of women of all ages and demographics actively walking our talk and putting our faith into action:
– in study and reading;
– in mission support;
– in acts of mercy (meeting immediate needs for food, clothing, shelter);
– in advocacy work (supporting practices and legislation that promote social justice, racial equity, immigration fairness, creation care, reconciling communities, human rights, and peace);
…and in actively standing up for Jesus’s love for all persons in our community and the world.
Like the women who came before us, we are daughters, sisters, aunts, mothers, grandmothers; we are single, divorced, married, widowed; we are straight, gay, non-binary. We are accomplished chefs, and those who can’t boil an egg. We are educators, musicians, homemakers, healers, seamstresses, artists and writers; we are working, retired or both. (And since spring 2020, some wear many of the above hats; some are “masters of technology”, while others are satisfied to just learn how to join a Zoom meeting).
Unlike the women who started what is United Women in Faith (Formerly United Methodist Women) back in 1869 in Boston, we have the right to vote, to hold property in our name, and to be free from legally condoned domestic abuse, among other liberties. We owe much debt to the women who fought hard for rights we sometimes take for granted. We can repay that debt by putting our faith, hope and love into action to continue to build a better world and ensure these rights and more continue to exist for the coming generations.
“OUR PURPOSE is to know God and to experience personal freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative supportive fellowship; to expand concepts of mission through participation in global ministries of the church.
THE VISION: Turning faith, hope and love into action on behalf of women, children, and youth around the world.”
We laugh together, cry together, pray together, learn together, volunteer our time and talents, as well as advocate and march together for worthy causes (socially distanced and masked, of course). Some of us make quilts and prayer shawls, or host fundraising events, or facilitate learning opportunities, or organize and host receptions and funeral services, or collect food for the hungry, or clothes for the needy and/or support shelters for women and children in need of safe housing. And so much more.
We provide opportunities and resources to grow spiritually, become more deeply rooted in Christ and put faith into action.
We are organized for growth, with flexible structures leading to effective witness and action.
We equip women and girls around the world to be leaders in communities, agencies, workplaces, governments, and churches.
We work for justice through compassionate services and advocacy to change unfair policies and systems.
We provide educational experiences that lead to personal change in order to transform the world.”
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