Weekly Newsletter

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Weekly Newsletter

May 30, 2024

Conference Season & Circles of Grace

A Word with the Pastor

May 30, 2024

As a connectional people, Methodists love to get together. 
Whether through conferences, clergy and lay gatherings, retreats, committees, potlucks, classes, or small groups, it’s life together that brings us the radiance of the Christian faith. 

I have a particular fondness for the yearly gathering of United Methodist layfolk and clergy in our area called Annual Conference. My first was the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference, 16 years ago. 
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Second Sunday After Pentecost
8:30am & 10:30am


Join us for the Second Sunday after Pentecost. Rev. Karyn Richards-Kuan will discuss Acts 8:26-39 (CEB). We will also be taking Holy Communion.
If participating online, the Live Stream will begin broadcasting at 10:20 a.m. 
10:30am in the Sanctuary


Saturday, June 1 | 11:30am | 202

All are welcome to join Pathfinders on Saturday, June 1st as they gather for food, fellowship, and discussion. Potluck lunch begins at 11:30 a.m., followed by time with special guest, The Rev. Todd Bartlett, Executive Director of the Board of  Camp and Retreat Ministries of the OR-ID UMC. RSVP to Harriet Ottaviano with the number of people attending and the dish you plan to bring at hbjotto90740@yahoo.com.

Sunday, June 2 | 12pm | Fireside

Join Erik Pattison and Rachel Bidou as they describe NOAH’s role in addressing the housing crisis. They will explain different types of affordable housing and how they are funded, describe partnerships central to bringing projects to fruition, and provide examples of successful projects and lessons learned a long the way.  

Congregational Care Forum

Sunday, June 23 | 11:45am
Don’t leave a mess for your loved ones. In this forum, we will talk about what you should have in place legally and financially so that you leave a clear legacy rather than a stressful mess for your loved ones to work through.
 Forum presenter: Sandy Montoya is a Financial Planner and Tax Preparer, a Certified Lay Speaker in the United Methodist Church, and a member of the First Church Chancel Choir.

Kids's Camp

June 26-28 | 9am - 4pm
Just Like Me is Portland FUMC's Kids' Camp 2024! It's our annual 3-day jam-packed fun that you don't want to miss! Kids, ages 3 to incoming 6th grade (incoming 7th grade and older are invited to serve with us!). Friends, Family, and Neighbors are all welcome! All abilities welcome.
Join Youth from across the Greater Northwest Area (Alaska, Oregon, Idaho, and Washington) for SLAM (Service, Learning, And Mission) on the Yakima Reservation. SLAM is run by the indigenous community on the Yakima Reservation. The trip will include a combination of serving with the community and learning about Indigenous culture, the history of Native Americans in the U.S.. For more information, and to register, click the link below!


Trinity Sunday

10:30 am Livestream:

Prayers of the People:

Tabitha Sewing Circle

Monday, June 10
10am - 2pm | 202

We will focus on making soup bowl cozies for a fall fundraiser, as well as continuing to make pillowcases and Linus blankets. Bring sewing machines and lunch. ALL ARE WELCOME!

Boat Trip at Tomahawk Island Marina

June 23 | 2:45 - 6:45pm
You are invited to join the Cromers and Kaysers for a boat ride! We will enjoy an afternoon of sightseeing, fellowship, and picnicking aboard. This will be on a pontoon boat that is very easy to board. We will meet at Tomahawk Island Marina. Seating is limited, so contact Steve Cromer at cromer.steve@gmail.com to reserve your spot! 

Lift UP Food Donations

For June, Lift UP is asking for nut butters (peanut butter is very popular) and canned meats (tuna and chicken are popular). Donations can be dropped off on Sunday mornings or anytime during the week when the church office is open. They are also in need of empty egg cartons. 

Summer Music

This summer, we are hoping to fill our musical offerings with a variety of musical styles, practices, and collaborations! If you are a musician who would like to share your musical talent with our congregation as a soloist or in a collaborative way with our soloists or choir, please register here, or email our Director of Music, Allison Cottrell at acottrell@fumcpdx.org


 (503) 228-3195 | fumcpdx.org | office@fumcpdx.org
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Here We Come A-Conferencing


Conference Season and Circles of Grace