News at First Church

A Word with the Pastor Mary Beth Howard A Word with the Pastor Mary Beth Howard

Like a Good Neighbor

“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.” (Luke 10:36-37)

Disaster relief is something that follows you. Whenever a healthcare provider asks me how long it has been since my last tetanus shot, I do the mental math on how long it has been since Hurricane Harvey. The heavy-duty overalls hanging in my closet (specifically used for post-ice storm, post-tornado, post-hurricane, post-fire, post-flood work) remind me of the many times when we dropped everything and started coordinating recovery plans because there were people and communities who needed help clearing debris, ripping out flood-contaminated dry wall and carpet, or bleaching the already molding places of their home or church.

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A Word with the Pastor Mary Beth Howard A Word with the Pastor Mary Beth Howard

The Way of Sorrows

Winding through the Old City of Jerusalem, the Via Dolorosa represents the path to the cross. In Jerusalem, this route is marked by 14 Stations of the Cross, positioned from the Antonia Fortress to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. In church halls, sanctuaries, along corridors, and in gardens around the world, different versions of these stations have been created for centuries.

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A Word with the Pastor Matt Edey A Word with the Pastor Matt Edey

Tis the Season

I have shared before that there is no slow season of ministry. If you trick yourself into thinking summer is the slow season, you will be caught completely off guard by service-learning trips, Methodist conference season, annual programming plans, and clergy transitions.

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A Word with the Pastor Matt Edey A Word with the Pastor Matt Edey

3 Good Things

Clickbaity, silver bullet self-help gimmicks collect the highest amount of skepticism. Titles like “One Quick Trick To Unlock A More Productive You,” “The One Thing Every CEO Does Before 8:00 am,” “Hack Your Finances With 3 Easy Tools,” or “5 Steps To Your Happiest Life Now,” make me cringe.

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A Word with the Pastor Matt Edey A Word with the Pastor Matt Edey


We’re at cruising altitude and the beverage cart is finally coming around. Just as I asked of you all in worship a couple weeks ago whenever you’re in this scenario (or anywhere else out in the world), I wonder now: What is God’s dream for the future of First Church? Today, my wondering is around God’s dream for our resilience

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