7th Inning Stretch

Chest open, arms up, on your feet- and streeeeetch! In the middle of a road trip, while hunched over your desk all day, or after 6 ½ innings of a baseball game, a well-timed stretch feels good.


Baseball lore often credits President Taft for the popularity of the 7th inning stretch (exactly what it sounds like: stretching in the middle of the 7th inning of the baseball game). As the tale goes, “Taft’s need to stretch his legs mid-game inadvertently led the crowd to stand in solidarity, birthing a tradition that would weave itself into the fabric of baseball history.”[1]


Whether this is the true (or only) origin of the tradition, the scenario is comical to imagine. I can see it happening in worship: if someone on the chancel stands up in their seat with a certain posture, the rest of the congregation is likely to follow suit. If I raise up my arms, a completely standing room is even more probable.


I’ve been thinking a lot about stretching lately, though not the sort that happens mid-baseball game.


Instead, my mind has been on our stewardship stretch.


I’ve shared that costs next year are up by significant percentages in areas like utilities, insurance, and apportionments. After years of creative program cuts, there is not much left that we can easily cut from our current operating budget.


I believe that there are hard conversations to be had and solutions to be found with intentional work over the next few years. I also know that as we continue with our visioning, followed by deliberate conversations and decisions regarding our facility, we will continue to move toward sustainability and may even begin to thrive. We’ve got a good future ahead. We are doing the right things today for an exciting, impactful tomorrow.


However, that doesn’t make our budget work or fundraising any easier.


As the Finance and Stewardship committee works hard to bring our 2025 budget closer to balanced, we’ve set a goal of receiving $925k in pledge estimates: a 7.3% increase in pledges from the generosity of 2024. Quite frankly, this goal is a significant stretch.


As of today, 80 households have already made their financial pledge to the church, bringing us 48% toward our $925k goal.


We have seen an overall 2.5% increase in giving from these pledging households. This is wonderful! And, we still have a long way to go to get to the 7.3% total increase that we need to even begin to balance the budget.


Many of our households are also feeling the stretch. For this reason and many others, We are grateful for the pledges that have already been made and for those that are being considered and prayed over this week.


As we have received each pledge, I have been moved by what I know is truly sacrificial giving from our congregation. Many of you have made significant increases to your pledges even as I see you also investing your time and your many talents each week. These increases have gone a long way to balance other necessary pledge decreases due to changes in life circumstance and income.


You, like President Taft, are leading the way in our mid-game stretch. When you give, it inspires the giving of others. Let’s raise up our arms and get everyone stretching! Together, we can get the whole stadium standing.


This truly depends on each person who worships, participates in Sunday School, sings, fellowships, volunteers, and partners with us. We pray over and give thanks for every pledge that comes in. Every. Single. One.


As you consider or reconsider your giving estimate for this next year, know that your generosity matters to this community. It makes a significant impact on our ability to continue to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.


See you on Stewardship Sunday, October 20, as we dedicate our pledges to the work of God among us. Be salty, shine bright, and stretch with us!


With gratitude,

Pastor Karyn


If you’re ready to submit your 2025 pledge (annual giving estimate),

you can do so here: https://www.fumcpdx.org/pledge


Giving Thanks (a month early!)