August? Really?

There’s an age-old myth that has been debunked for me at Portland First: summers are slow. Summers, according to the myth, are when you downshift, when ‘nothing happens’ and ‘no one is really around.’

In what universe?!

June might have been full of conference season travel and multiple goodbyes/hires/transitions, but July did not slow us down!

Potlucks, parades, service-learning trips, zoo outings, ice cream socials- the list goes on. At the bottom of this note are some pictures from several of these events. Take a peek and see if you can find someone you know!

It has been a thrill to welcome our new staff and get them plugged into the vibrant life of our community. I can’t wait to learn from them and to grow alongside the congregation as we delight in their ministries.

Cassidy Smith has joined us as the Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministries, filling the role previously led by Drew Hogan. Rev. Rachel and Rev. Dylan have similar but adapted roles to the ones that Rev. Ethan and Rev. Lowell held.

Rev. Rachel leads our Discipleship and Outreach, including supervision of the Children, Youth, and Families staff/ministry. You’ll run into Rev. Rachel in Sunday worship, directing classes and small groups, and cultivating the outreach groups and partners that help our congregation be a loving neighbor and work for justice in our community.

Rev. Dylan leads our Congregational Care and Welcoming. You’ll run into Rev. Dylan at the Welcome Table on Sunday mornings or occasionally leading worship with Rev. Rachel and I, introducing community members to our church or engaging with new visitors, making pastoral visits to those in need of spiritual care, and directing the care team.

Another big thank you to the volunteers who coordinated and staffed the Sunday Help Desk from May through July as we managed the season of transition and travel.

Whether you are on vacation, braving this week’s Portland heat, somewhere in between, we hope that you can join in on our next community adventures in worship, study, and fellowship. See you soon!

In gratitude,

Pastor Karyn

First Church families brave the heat wave for a Sunday afternoon at the Zoo (Byers, Cone, and Mallory families pictured here with church staff). We saw so many exciting animals!

Sunday Help Desk volunteer Martha Connell and Greeting volunteer Pat Rieke with Pastor Karyn during their volunteer shifts to make sure all guests and regulars are welcomed and resourced.

First Church walking in the Pride Parade with Rose City and Fremont United Methodist Churches. Ricky Mitchel, Cacky Cromer, and Dan Woodward did a fantastic job holding our new banner.

The First Church group on the Yakama Reservation at SLAM: Students Learning About Missions, a program led by Mending Wings.

The First Church group on the Yakama Reservation at SLAM: Students Learning About Missions, a program led by Mending Wings.


Special Offering: Curamericas


New Fall Discipleship Classes