Fall Covenant Groups

In Person

Sundays Sep 15 - Oct 27

9:30 am - 10:30 am in the Fireside Room.

Click here to Register

In Person

Wednesdays Sep 11 - Oct 30

12:00 pm - 1 pm in the Fireside Room.

Click here to Register


Mondays, Sep 16 - Oct 28

7:30 pm - 8:30 pm over Zoom.

Click here to Register

Methodism began with a small group. Then, as the movement spread, a specific type of gathering called the Class Meeting became central to what it meant to be a Methodist.

Historically, Class Meetings “made sure that every Methodist was connected to other Methodists, so no one was left out, ignored, or overlooked,” notes the Rev. Kevin Watson, a United Methodist elder and Assistant Professor of Wesleyan and Methodist Studies at Candler School of Theology. “They relentlessly focused every Methodist on the current state of their relationship with God. And they connected people to others who were at different stages of the Christian life.”

Covenant Groups at First Church are a model of this Class Meeting. We will meet together to ask, "How is it with your soul?" and check in on one another's spiritual care.


Who’s on First?


What Time is it on the Clock of the World?