Who’s on First?

I remain thankful at the strength of our community. Your ability to weather the kind of staffing change we have experienced this year (and the last several years) is just one indication of this strength. Our volunteers and staff have been delighted to slowly release the extra responsibilities that we have all held throughout the transition as we bring folks on board. Huge thanks and kudos to all who have gone the extra mile(s) in this season, and for those who have held the congregation and staff in patience and grace!

One ongoing learning we get to have as a congregation is how the roles of our new clergy will be lived out. Neither Rev. Rachel or Rev. Dylan are fulfilling the exact 1:1 role of Rev. Ethan or Rev. Lowell, so as they discover their role and function amid our large organization, we’ll get to discover that too!

As we’ve shared before, each of our new pastors will be heavily involved in the programs and relationships of the church and not as burdened by its administration:

  • Rev. Rachel: Discipleship and Outreach. You’ll run into Rev. Rachel in Sunday worship, directing classes and small groups, and cultivating the outreach groups, partners, and volunteers who help our congregation be a loving neighbor and work for justice in our community. Rev. Rachel will direct the vision and structure for these two intergenerational ministry areas.

  • Rev. Dylan: Congregational Care and Welcoming. You’ll run into Rev. Dylan at the Welcome Table on Sunday mornings or occasionally leading worship with Rev. Rachel and I, introducing community members to our church or engaging with new visitors, making pastoral visits to those in need of spiritual care, and directing the care team.

I will continue to lead our worship life with the help of our lay teams, as well as steward the administrative direction of the church related to the building, finances, staffing, lay leadership, and general governance. I’ll also stay engaged with the programs and relationships of the church in collaboration with Rev. Rachel and Rev. Dylan’s leadership and direction.

We continue to grow in engagement and number, a trend that the ministries of Rev. Rachel and Rev. Dylan will enhance. Even in the impossible-to-schedule-travel-throes of summer, we have a small group of folks gathering for a new member class!

As I conclude my last day in the office before a two-week vacation, I am grateful for the lay leaders, staff, and clergy in whose capable hands I trust to lead First Church in my absence. If it is ever a question, always know: I am grateful for you.

In gratitude and grace,

Pastor Karyn


Grandcamp at Magruder


Fall Covenant Groups