One More Conference, Three New Staff!
Today’s Word is more like a flyby update on all that’s been going on this past week – and what we have ahead. The Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference will begin its work tonight with District gatherings and Opening Worship. You can follow along with our work from tonight through Sunday:
Drew Hogan Commissioned
Last weekend, our very own Rev. Drew Hogan was commissioned as an Elder in the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference held in Richland, Washington. As he was commissioned by the Bishop, Rev. Ethan, Rev. Rachel, and I were among those standing to affirm his call to ordained ministry as an Elder.
We’ll celebrate Drew in worship on Sunday, June 30 as he presides over the Communion Table as an Elder for the first time, and during a special Coffee Hour reception following the 10:30 service.
New Staff
Cassidy Smith will take Drew’s place as the new Children, Youth, and Families Director. Cassidy is en route to Oregon as we speak and will overlap with Drew for the great joy of Kids Camp next week! Her first Sunday in worship will be on July 7.
Rev. Rachel will join us at the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference this week. She will start here at First Church on July 1, with her first Sunday on July 7.
We celebrated Rev. Lowell’s re-retirement last Sunday, June 16, though he is not through with us yet! Rev. Lowell will continue to care for our congregation thru June 30. Rev. Dylan will begin on July 15, with his first Sunday in worship on July 21. You’ll be in the hands of Rev. Rachel and I in the first two weeks of July.
We are all thrilled for how the Spirit has moved among us and how God’s guidance has brought us through a full season of hellos and goodbyes. Our congregation has been a constant, steady, holy presence that have made these transitions possible. Along with your SPRC, staff, and clergy, we are so grateful for each one of you.
In gratitude,
Pastor Karyn